( parutions dans les années 1960 )

J.F.K., the Man and the Myth. (V. Lasky, Macmillan, New York, 1963).

Le jour où Kennedy fut assassiné. (L. Bernières, Gerfaut, 1963).

22 octobre 1962: le coup de tonnerre de Cuba. (J. Daniel et J.G. Hubbell, Laffont, Paris, 1963).

John F. Kennedy, President. (H. Sidey, Atheneum, 1963).

Memorandum for the Director of Central Intelligence. Subject : Plans of Cuban Exiles to assassinate selected Cuban Government leaders. (The White House, Washington, June, 10, 1964).

Dallas, Public and Private. (W. Leslie, Grossman, New York, 1964).

Rapport Warren. (Collectif, Bentam, 1964).

A Texan looks at Lyndon. (J.E. Haley, The Palo Duro Press, 1964).

Les assassins de Kennedy. (Th. Buchanan, Julliard, Paris, 1964).

Oswald: assassin or fall guy. (J. Joesten, Merlin Press, London, 1964).

Ma lutte contre la corruption. Les Kennedy face à Jimmy Hoffa et au gangstérisme syndical. (R.F. Kennedy, Laffont, Paris, 1964).

Memorandum to Mc George Bundy from Gordon Chase ; Subject : Assassination of Castro. (The White House, Washington, June, 15, 1965 )

Portrait of the Assassin. (G.R. Ford & J.R. Stiles, Bantam, New York, 1965).

Unanswered Question About JFK Assassination. (S. Fox, Award Books, New York, 1965).

L’affaire Oswald. (L. Sauvage, Minuit, Paris, 1965).

17 avril 1961: la baie des Cochons. (H. Johnson, Laffont, Paris, 1965).

Le procès de Dallas. (Fr. Pottecher, Arthaud, Paris, 1965).

Inquest. The Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth. (E.J. Epstein, Viking, 1966).

Kennedy. (Th. Sorensen, Gallimard, Paris, 1966).

Les 1000 jours de Kennedy. (A.M. Schlesinger, Denoël, Paris, 1966).

Rush to the Judgement. (M. Lane, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1966).

Le FBI inconnu. (F. Cook, Denoël, Paris, 1966).

Dallas, un crime sans assassin. (F. Kiesel , Pierre de Meyer Editeur, Bruxelles, 1966).

The Truth About the Assassination. (C. Roberts, Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1967).

Were We Controlled? (L. Lawrence, University Books, New York, 1967).

La mère d’Oswald parle. (J. Stafford, Trévise, Paris, 1967).

L’homme qui crut tuer Kennedy. (P. Gosset et R. Gosset, Presses de la Cité, Paris, 1967).

Les Kennedy. Histoire d’une dynastie. (R.J. Whalen, Trévise, Paris, 1967).

Mort d’un Président. 20-25 novembre 1963. (W. Manchester, Laffont, Paris, 1967).

La vérité sur le cas Jack Ruby. (J. Joesten, Casterman, Paris, 1967).

La vérité sur la mort du président Kennedy. (Collectif, Historama, n° 187, 1967).

The Day Kennedy was Shot. (J. Bishop, Gramercy Books, 1968).

Assassination. The Death of JFK. (R. Morin, Signet, New York, 1968).

( parutions dans les années 1970 )

Johny we hardly knew ye. (K. O’Donnell, D. Powers, Little Brown & Co, 1970).

A Heritage of Stone. (J. Garrison, Putnam, New York, 1970).

The Ordeal of Otto Otepka. (W.J. Gill, Arlington House, 1970).

Dallas : l’affaire Ruby. (Fr. Pottecher, Edito-Service, 1971).

Executive Action. Assassination of a Head of State. (D. Freed, Dell, 1973).

Portrait de Lee Oswald. (R. Oswald, Beckers, 1973).

November 22, 1963, you are the jury. (D. Belin, Quadrangle, 1973).

Legacy of Doubt. (P. Noyes, Pinacle Books, New York, 1973).

An Essential Memoir of a Lunatic Decade. (W. Hinkle, Putnam, New York, 1974).

Presumed Guilty. (H. Roffman, Barnes, Crandbury, 1975).

They’ve Killed the President! (R.S. Anson, Bantam, 1975).

Appointment in Dallas. (H. MacDonald & G. Bocca, McDonald Publishing, New York, 1976).

Mort d’un président. (W. Manchester, Laffont, Paris, 1976).

Hoover. (J.M. Charlier et P. Demarest, Laffont, Paris, 1976).

The Two Assassins. (R. Hartogs & L. Freeman, Zebra Books, New York, 1976).

Les complots de la CIA. (D. Antonel, A. Jaubert et L. Kovalson, Stock, Paris, 1976).

Connivence. (M. Bonfanti, Orban, Paris, 1977).

Coincidence or Conspiracy? (B. Fensterwald & M. Ewing, Zebra, New York, 1977).

Marina and Lee. (P.J. McMillan, Harper & Row, New York, 1977).

Exploits et bavures de l’espionnage américain. (P.de Villemarest, Famot, 1978).

Legend. The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald. (E. Epstein, Hutchinson & Co, 1978).

LBJ and the JFK Conspiracy. (H. MacDonald & R. Moore, Condor, Westport, 1978).

Comment ils ont tué Kennedy. (M. Eddowes, Grancher, Paris, 1979).

( parutions dans les années 1980 )

Wilderness of Mirrors. (D.C. Martin, HarperCollins, 1980).

Best Evidence. Assassination of JFK. (D.D. Lifton, Macmillan, New York, 1980).

Conspiracy. Who Killed President Kennedy? (A. Summers, Fontana, 1980).

La fausse énigme de Dallas. (A. Moss, La Table Ronde, Paris, 1980).

Les secrets bien gardés de la CIA. (Th. Powers, Plon, Paris, 1981).

The Plot to Kill the President. (R. Blakey & R. Billings, Times Books, 1981).

Dallas, le dossier truqué. (F. Rieder, Famot, Paris, 1982).

The Kennedy imprisonment. (G. Wills, Little Brown, Boston, 1982).

Scandals, Scamps and Scoundrels. (J. Phelan, Random House, New York, 1982).

Les Kennedy, une dynastie américaine. (P. Collier et D. Horrowitz, Payot, Paris, 1984).

Reasonable Doubt. Assassination of JFK. (H. Hurt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1986).

The Agency, Rise and Decline of the CIA. (J. Ranelagh, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1986).

Profumo, les dessous d’une affaire d’Etat. (Ph. Knightley, Bourgois, Paris, 1987; pp. 269-281).

Hoover vs the Kennedys. Second Civil War. (C. Gilmore, St Martin’s Press, New York, 1987).

Contract on America, the mafia murder of president Kennedy. (D.E. Scheim, Shapolsky, New York, 1988).

Who Shot the President? (J. Donnelly, Random House, New York, 1988).

Mafia Kingfish : C. Marcello and the Assassination of JFK. (J. Davis, Macgraw-Hill, 1988).

Treize meurtres exemplaires. (D. Venner, Plon, Paris, 1988).

On the Trail of the Assassins. (J. Garrison, Sheridan Square Press, New York, 1988).

The Second Oswald. (R.H. Popkin, Avon, New York, 1988).

High Treason. Assassination of JFK. (R.J. Groden & H.E. Livingstone, Conservatory Press, 1989).

The Great Expectation of John Connaly. (J. Reston, Harper & Row, 1989).

L’assassinat du Président Kennedy. (D.Venner, Perrin, Paris, 1989).

Libra. (roman ; D. DeLillo ; Stock, 1989).

( parutions dans les années 1990 )

The Texas Connection : Assassination of JFK. (C. Zirbel, Weight & Co, 1991).

Kennedy : enquêtes sur l’assassinat d’un président. (Th. Lentz, Collin, Paris, 1991).

Conspiracy of One. (J. Moore, Summit Group, 1991).

Act of Treason. (M. North, Carroll & Graft, New York, 1991).

The Way we Were. 1963, the Year Kennedy Was Shot. (R. MacNeil, Carroll & Graft, 1991).

L’assassinat de Kennedy. (A.L.P., Hors Série n° 1, Paris, 1991).

Best Evidence. (D.Lifton & D.S.Lifton, Signet, 1992).

Fatal Hour. (R. Blakey & R. Billing, Berkeley Books, 1992).

JFK. The Last Dissenting Witness. (B. Sloan & J. Hill, Pelican, 1992).

Mortal Error. The Shot that Killed JFK. (B. Menninger, St Martin’s Press, New York, 1992).

Notre homme à la Maison-Blanche. (S. Giancana et C. Giancana, Laffont, Paris, 1992).

First Hand Knowledge. (R. Morrow, Shapolsky, New York, 1992).

Who Killed JFK? (C. Oglesby, Odonian Press, Berkeley, 1992).

Accessories After the Fact, The Warren Commission. (S. Meagher, Vintage Books, 1992).

JFK, affaire non classée. (J. Garrison, J’ai lu, Paris, 1992).

High Treason II. (H. Livinstone, Carroll & Graft, New York, 1992).

Plausible Denial. CIA and Assassination of JFK. (M. Lane, Plexus, London, 1992).

Coup d’Etat in America. (M. Canfield & A.J. Weberman, Quick American Publishing, 1992).

John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Le second complot. (M. Smith, Zelie Productions, 1993).

Kennedy, les 1000 jours d’un président. (A. Kaspi, Armand Colin, Paris, 1993).

The Assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy. (L. Hayman, Scholastic Paperback, 1993).

Whitewash. (H.Weisberg, Avalon Publishing Group, 1993).

The Killing of a President. (R.J. Groden, Viking Studio, 1993).

Killing the Truth. JFK Case. (H. Livinstone, Carroll & Graft, New York, 1993).

The Last Investigation. (G. Fonzi, Thunders Mouth, New York, 1993).

Who’s Who in the JFK assassination. (M. Benson, Citadell Press, 1993).

The Plot that Killed Kennedy. (J. Mars, Pocket Books, 1993).

Case Closed. Oswald and the Assassination of JFK. (G. Posner, Random House, New York, 1993).

Marita. One Woman’s Extraordinary Tale of Love and Espionage from Castro to Kennedy. (M. Lorenz & T. Schwartz, Thunder’s Mouth, 1993).

JFK. Breaking the Silence. (B. Sloan, Taylor Publishing, Dallas, 1993).

Where Were You When President Kennedy Was Shot? (A. Van Buren, Mcmeel, 1993).

The Plot to Kill Kennedy and Castro. (C. Furiati, Ocean Press, 1994).

Oswald and the CIA. (J. Newman, Carroll & Graf, 1995).

Oswald’s Tale. An American Mystery. (N. Mailer, Random House, New York, 1995).

Killing Kennedy and the Hoax of the Century. (H. Livinstone, Carroll & Graft, New York, 1995).

The Wit and Wisdom of JFK. (A. Ayres, Meridian Books, 1996).

Assignment : Oswald. (J.P. Hosty Jr, Arcade Publishing, 1996).

Les péchés du père. Les origines secrètes du clan Kennedy. (R. Kessler, Albin Michel, Paris, 1996).

Oswald talked. (R. La Fontaine & M. La Fontaine, Pelican Books, 1996).

November in Dallas. Bus tour information booklet. (J. Backes, JFK Lancer Publications, 1996).

De Dallas à Montréal. (M.Philipps, De L’Homme, 1996).

The Kennedy Tapes. Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis. (E. May & Ph. Zelikow, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1997).

Harvey and Lee. (J. Amstrong, JFK Lancer Publications, 1997).

Compelling Evidence : new look at the assassination of JFK. (M. Griffith, Lancer Publications, 1997).

One hell of a gamble. Khrushchev, Castro, and Kennedy. (A. Fursenko & T. Naftali, Norton, New York, 1997).

The dark side of Camelot. (S. Hersh, Back Bay Books, 1997).

The Kennedy conspiracy. (A. Summers, Warner Books, New York, 1998).

Cover-Up. (S. Galanor, Kestrel Books, New York, 1998).

JFK, autopsie d’un crime d’Etat. (W. Reymond, Flammarion, Paris, 1998).

Marilyn Monroe, enquête sur un assassinat. (D. Wolfe, Albin Michel, Paris, 1998).

La face cachée du clan Kennedy. Une enquête explosive. (S. Hersh, L’Archipel, Paris, 1998).

Vendetta. Castro and the Kennedy Years. (W.B. Breuer, Wiley, New York, 1998).

Live by the Sword. The Secret War Against Castro and the Death of JFK. (G.Russo, Bancroft Press, 1998).

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Assassination Records Project Completed. (Center for Study on the Intelligence, Washington, 1999).

Sons and Brothers. The Days of Jack and Bobby Kennedy. (R.D. Mahoney, Arcade, 1999).

( parutions dans les années 2000 )

Lee Harvey Oswald. Affaire classée. (A. Frewin, Serpent à Plumes, 2001).

13 jours. La crise des missiles de Cuba. (R. Kennedy, Grasset, Paris, 2001).

– The Presidential Recordings John F. Kennedy. (Ph. Zelikow & E.May, Norton, 2001).

Der Kennedy-Effekt. (N.B. Enkelmann, Redline, 2002).

Four days in November. (T. Wickers, St Martin’s Press, 2003).

La malédiction des Kennedy. (E. Klein, Presses de la Cité, Paris, 2003).

– J.F. Kennedy. (R. Dallek, Penguin Books, 2003).

Les nouvelles preuves sur l’assassinat de J.F. Kennedy. (C. Lebeau, Le Rocher, Monaco, 2003).

Kennedy, une vie comme aucune autre. (G. Perret, Encre de Nuit, 2003).

John F. Kennedy. (C. Moisy, Librio, Paris, 2003).

Coroner. Les dossiers secrets du médecin légiste de Hollywood. (Th. Noguchi, Presses de la Cité, Paris, 2003).

John et Jackie. Histoire d’un couple tragique. (Ch. Andersen, Ramsay, Paris, 2003).

Blood, Money and Power. (B. McClellan, Hannover House, 2003).

Kennedy und Österreich. (M. Kofler, Studien Verlag, 2003).

John et Robert Kennedy. L’autre destin de l’Amérique. (F. Lecomte, Equinoxe, 2003).

JFK, le dernier témoin. (W. Reymond et B. Sol Estes, Flammarion, Paris, 2003).

Ask Not. (Th. Clarke, Henry Holt & Co, New York, 2004).

JFK, autopsie d’un crime d’Etat. (W. Reymond, Flammarion, Paris, 2004).

Le temps des Kennedy. (A. Coppolani, Houdiard, Paris, 2005).

Sons of Camelot. The Fate of an American Dynasty. (L. Leamer, HarperCollins, 2005).

La conspiration Kennedy. (M. Smith, Michel Lafon, Neuilly, 2006).

Comment Castro a tué Kennedy. (I. Efimov, Le Rocher, Monaco, 2006).

The Man on the Grassy Knoll. (J.R. Craig & P.A.Rogers, Lulu Press, New York, 2006).

The JFK Assassination Debates. Lone Gunman Versus Conspiracy. (M.L. Kurtz, University Press of Kansas, 2006).

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